
Posts Tagged ‘Mother’s Love’

It Needs To Be CED: A Mother’s Love

September 16, 2014 Leave a comment

 photo a-mothers-love-the-industry-cosign-ceditorial_zps86f214f6.jpgI’m on the train, on my way to work and I see two pregnant women and a young mother with her two children in the same car. Initially, I didn’t give it much thought until I saw how the young kids were being lovingly innocent in the company of their mother. I also noticed how affectionate and caring she was towards them and I couldn’t help but think of what a mother’s love could do for and to a child. Then I start to wonder how our world could be the way it is if this is the start a child gets from his mother.

The strength of a woman can be unbelievably strong in the midst of what she goes through in her life, this is evident. I can attest that as much as I equally loved both my mother and father, I know for a fact I inherited my mother’s strength and as many barriers I’ve faced in life and the struggles I’ve been through, I made it because of that same strength I saw and continue to see in her. Read more…