
Posts Tagged ‘Romney’


October 19, 2012 Leave a comment



Roland on Set 

Political analyst and Washington Watch hostRoland Martin cites President Obama the clear winner in Tuesday night’s second presidential debate.

“The President walked in with a totally different attitude than he had the previous week,” said Martin. “Mitt Romney tried to stand up and get in his face. The president basically laughed it off. He was very effective at turning away from Romney and turning back to the voters to answer their questions.”

While providing debate analysis with Jeff Johnson on BLIS.FM, Martin shared the following updates via Twitter and Facebook: Read more…

Ten Ways Barack Obama and Mitt Romney are more alike than Different

July 19, 2012 1 comment

By Torrance Stephens
Image Hosted by ImageShack.usThere are just a few months left before the November Presidential elections. The choice has been mad for many in the simple terms of Democrat or Republican and Obama versus Romney. However, what is not known to most is that these two individuals actually are more alike than different.  We know about the basics: that the both like Star Trek, attended Harvard Law School and the Television situational comedy Modern Family, but they are just as alike from a policy perspective.  The following are ten examples in which they are more alike than different.

1. The signature legislative accomplishment of Obama which Romney has said he will repeal and replace “ObamaCare” was “RomneyCare,” which was the model for The Affordable Care Act.
2. Both wants to expand federal spending on Medicaid to help each state cover residents who cannot afford health insurance.
3. The big Wall Street Banks who received TARP bailout money that were top Obama donors in 2008 are top Romney donors in 2012. Read more…

Why Romney’s Hair Doesn’t Move and Congress Kleptocratic Rule

May 3, 2012 Leave a comment

By Torrence Stephens

In all honesty, Mitt Romney and the current cast of GOP caricatures remind me of a 1970s bad Kung Fu movie. Now we can outline all of Romney’s flaws and problems and even place in the open field for all to examine. But it will not make a difference objectively, for most folk, especially white ones. Likewise, we all know that the GOP traditionally is the party of white folks and it will always be such. And even though they know in their hearts and minds that Romney is dumb as a door knob, they will still vote for him even knowing you cannot trust a man’s who hair never moves.

The last part is the kicker. The election of Barack Obama was a Damascene Moment for the Republicans similar to what happened to Paul of Tarsus on his journey to Damascus. It was a call to arms for white folk especially in the GOP, to come to grips with the fact they had taken the most powerful position, the Presidency of the United State for granted assuming it would always be held by a white man or woman. They just assumed that he or she would always be a white Anglo Saxon protestant. Now they are upset: the audacity for Black folk to have a president that looks like them at the head of our table.

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The Illusion of Economic Recovery

March 3, 2012 1 comment

By Torrance Stephens

They say that the economy is growing and that we are in the midst of an economic recovery, but as I look at my neighbors who are losing their homes and the parents in the PTA who are under-employed and looking for full-time employment, I must admit I do not see or feel it.

I figure Obama and the democrats have to say such to make themselves look good. Likewise, the Republicans have to intentionally imped programs and the efforts of the President to make him look bad. Regardless, the view from the ground level remains one of wealthy politicians bickering like caddy nanny goats. Charlie Brown’s sister Sally said it best in “The Great Pumpkin”…”You elect them then they weasel out of their promises.”

Maybe we get what we deserve. We have been on this trajectory since Nixon accepted the Britton-Woods agreement, removing American from the Gold standard and an asset based monetary system. Now artificial asset bubbles are retro chic and occur everywhere we look in our economy. That’s what happens when one has no asset to back paper. All the government has to do when they are short on cash and need to pay someone is print as much paper money as needed, borrowing more and more and growing more debt (something us regular folk cannot do) creating an environment where everyone from the Government to the Banks accrue debt to capitalization ratios, like MF Global of more than 30 to 1. USB for example is leveraged at 50 to 1.
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If Mitt Romney Doesn’t Care about the Poor, He Doesn’t Care about America’s Children

February 2, 2012 1 comment

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Every once in a while, politicians open their mouths and some truth comes out. That’s what happened to Mitt Romney yesterday during an interview on CNN with Soledad O’Brien. Pushing the idea that he is the champion of the American middle class, Romney said he was “not concerned about the very poor” because they have a safety net.

Soledad, clearly taken aback by this admission, gave the Republican front runner a chance to fix a statement that to any sane viewer sounded incredibly heartless and insensitive. But the multi-millionaire forged ahead and made it even worse.

“You can choose where to focus. You can focus on the rich. That’s not my focus. You can focus on the very poor. That’s not my focus. My focus is on middle income Americans, retirees living on social security, people who cannot find work, folks who have kids that are getting ready to go to college. That — these are the people who’ve been most badly hurt during the Obama years.” Read more…